Coding with Dignity: A Call to Rehumanize the Global Tech Talent Market

2 min readMay 18, 2023


Today, I received a message that has left me pondering. It was a job advertisement, touting ‘Top 1% Tech talent from India’ ready for hire at a set monthly rate. The idea is to provide startups and companies access to high-quality tech talent — an objective that, in itself, is admirable.

However, what strikes me is not the goal, but the presentation. The human element seems stripped away, reducing individuals to mere commodities. The wording creates a cold and impersonal atmosphere, replacing the usual excitement and respect associated with acquiring new talent.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m a firm believer in the global market of skills and knowledge. The digital age has allowed us to connect, work, and create across borders like never before. Talent has no nationality, and it’s important to recognize and foster it wherever it is found.

But the dignity of the individual should not be lost in the process. Every coder, every engineer, every artist behind the screen is a human being. They have aspirations, families, hobbies, and personal stories that transcend the professional skills they bring to the table. They are not just ‘talent’ to be ‘accessed’, but people to be respected.

Let’s not forget that behind every piece of tech, every line of code, there’s a person. That’s the true beauty of the tech world — it’s not just about 0s and 1s, it’s about the human connection, passion, and creativity that brings those digits to life.

As we continue to bridge the global tech talent gap, let’s remember to humanize the process. After all, it is the human element that makes technology meaningful. It is that element that makes technology not just a tool, but an extension of our capacity to dream, to innovate, and to build a better world.”

#Technology #Humanity #TechTalent #GlobalWorkforce




MSc, MBA. Machine learning Researcher @ Deloitte. From 🇦🇷 based in NYC.