Goodbye Apple? Microsoft’s AI Revolution is Tempting Me Back!

2 min readMay 23, 2023


Wow, folks, I’ve got to tell you something. You know how I’ve been a devoted Apple user for years, right? Well, something incredible is happening that has me thinking about switching lanes and heading back to the world of Windows (source: The Verge1​​2​​3​​4​).

Microsoft is pulling some seriously impressive tricks out of its hat these days. Have you heard about this AI Copilot thing they’ve got going on? It’s like a personal assistant that’s going to be built right into Windows 11, and also integrated into Teams and Office apps. And this isn’t just any assistant. It’s promising to summarize, rewrite, and even explain text, besides helping us adjust our computer settings. That’s right, folks — it’s like having your very own J.A.R.V.I.S. (without the snark, unfortunately).

But here’s the part that has me really excited — this could be a total game-changer for those of us living at the intersection of data science and business. Imagine being able to condense complex email threads into manageable summaries, or having an AI assistant draft up meeting agendas based on your chat history. And that’s just scratching the surface.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What about my data? Is this safe?” Well, Microsoft has reassured us they’re committed to their AI principles and to robust data privacy measures (source: Microsoft5​). That’s a big relief and a major selling point, if you ask me.

In this era where data science and business are becoming more intertwined than ever, advancements like these could truly redefine our workflows and productivity. We’re talking about a level of integration and convenience that’s hard to ignore.

So, I’m throwing this out there: Maybe it’s time we gave Windows another look? With these kinds of innovations, Microsoft is making a strong case for a comeback in my book. Let’s see where this journey takes us!

#Windows11 #Microsoft #AI #DataScience #Business #TimeForChange




MSc, MBA. Machine learning Researcher @ Deloitte. From 🇦🇷 based in NYC.