⚠️ Drastic career change? read this anecdote.

2 min readFeb 6, 2023


I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, trying to find a way that this actually makes sense. Combining Marketing and Data, that’s the jam.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I founded Busst , a marketing agency from San Juan, Argentina that helped clients with their marketing strategies. I proposed to work with finding ways to keep our clients happy and retain them for as long as possible. We soon realized that we needed to understand why some clients stayed while others left.

So, I took it upon myself to gather data on all of the activities we carried out for our clients in a Google Spreadsheet. I labeled each activity as either a “retention” or “churn” activity. Retention activities were those that we believed would keep the client happy and engaged, while churn activities were those that we believed would make the client leave.

As I analyzed the data, I noticed patterns emerging. I could see that certain activities were more likely to lead to client retention, while others were more likely to lead to churn. I shared my findings with my team and we began to use these insights to guide our client interactions.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but we were using data to make predictions about our clients’ likelihood of staying or leaving. We were using marketing and prediction models, even before we knew it!

Looking back, I can see how this experience shaped my career. It taught me the value of data and how it can be used to drive decision making. I continued to develop my skills in data analysis, first in Le Wagon Argentina and now in University of Miami Herbert Business School. and eventually looking for transitioning into a full-time data analyst role.

But I will always remember those early days at Busst. when we first started using data to make predictions and make a real impact on our clients’ satisfaction.

♥️ #business #team #data #experience #marketing #career #work #datascience




MSc, MBA. Machine learning Researcher @ Deloitte. From 🇦🇷 based in NYC.